Story Structure

In screenwriting, story structure refers to the way in which a story is organized and the events and characters are presented. A strong story structure is essential for creating a compelling and engaging narrative that keeps the audience invested in the story.

There are many different approaches to story structure in screenwriting, but one of the most commonly used is the three-act structure. This structure divides the story into three distinct acts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution.

The setup, or act one, introduces the main characters and establishes the setting, conflict, and stakes of the story. The confrontation, or act two, is where the main character faces challenges and conflicts that test their abilities and beliefs. The resolution, or act three, is where the main character confronts their greatest challenge and either achieves their goal or experiences failure.

Other common structures used in screenwriting include the hero's journey, the seven basic plots, and the Dan Harmon Story Cycle. No matter which structure a writer chooses to use, it is important to have a clear and well-defined story structure in order to create a cohesive and satisfying narrative.

Dan Harmon's Story CycleHero's JourneySeven Basic Plots

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