
Step by step guide for DevOps or any other Operations Role. This document was prepared as a starting point for TinkerHub DevOps Bootcamp

See for a detailed roadmap

  • ✅ - Learn this at this step

  • 🟢 - Learn this, not necessarily now

  • 🟡 - Learn this, but not mandatory to start with

✅ Learn a Programming language

You can pick a programming language of your choice. All you need is some programming knowledge for automation. Since I am coming from a Python background, I'm listing some Python resources here.


Some other options are -

  • Go

  • Rust

  • Ruby

  • Node.js

✅ Learn a version control system (VCS)


🟢 Understand different OS concepts

Process ManagementThreads and ConcurrencySocketsPOSIXNetworkingI/O ManagementVirtualizationMemory/StorageFile Systems

✅ Learn about Managing Servers

This is one of the main tasks DevOps engineers are entitled to do. Knowing how servers work and how to manage them is must-have knowledge.

✅ Operating Systems

Linux Administration

✅ Learn to feel home at the Terminal

  • Compiling from source (gcc, make etc)

  • Text Manipulation (awk, sed, grep etc)

  • Process Monitoring (ps, top, htop, lsof etc.)

  • Network (nmap, ping, traceroute, dig etc.)

  • System Performance (nmon, iostat, vmstat etc.)

  • Others (df, history, uname etc.)

✅ Networking, Security and Protocols

  • HTTP


  • FTP


  • SSH

  • Port forwarding

  • Emails (SMTP, IMAPS, POP3S, DMARC, SPF, Domain keys etc)

✅ How to setup a Web Server


Other options are :

  • IIS

  • Apache

  • Tomcat

  • Caddy

✅ How to setup a Reverse Proxy

  • Using Nginx

🟡 How to setup a Forward Proxy

🟢 How to setup a Caching Server

🟢 How to setup a Load Balancer

🟡 How to setup a Firewall

✅ Cloud Providers

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Other options are:

  • Google Cloud

  • Azure

  • Heroku

  • Digital Ocean

  • Linode

  • Vultr

✅ Learn CI/CD Tools

  • Jenkins

  • Gitlab CI

  • Github Actions

  • Circle CI

Other options are:

  • Travis CI

  • TeakCity

  • Bamboo

  • Azure Devops

✅ Learn Infrastructure as Code

✅ Containers


Other option:

  • LXC

✅ Configuration Management

  • Ansible

Other options:

  • Chef

  • Salt

  • Puppet

✅ Container Orchestration


Other options:

  • Mesos

  • Docker Swarm

  • Nomad

✅ Infrastructure Provisioning

TerraformAWS Cloudformation

Other options:

  • Pulumi

✅ Learn how to monitor software and infrastructure

✅ Infrastructure Monitoring

  • Prometheus

  • Grafana

Other options:

  • Nagios

  • Zobbix

  • Monit

  • Datadog

✅ Application Monitoring

  • Gaeger

  • New Relic

Other options:

  • AppDynamics

  • Instana

  • OpenTracing

✅ Logs Management

Elastic Stack

Other options:

  • Graylog

  • Splunk

  • Papertrail

✅ Cloud Design Patterns

  • Availability

  • Data Management

  • Design and Implementation

  • Management and Monitoring

And Keep Learning

Last updated