
Unicode is a standardized character encoding system that represents most of the world's written languages. It is a universal character set that includes characters from many different scripts, including Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, among others.

Unicode is used to encode text in computers, software, and other digital devices. It allows text to be displayed and processed correctly, regardless of the language or script that it is written in. Unicode is an important tool for enabling the exchange and processing of text in a globalized world, where different languages and scripts are used together.

Unicode uses a unique number, called a code point, to represent each character. It has a wide range of code points, which allows it to represent a large number of characters. Unicode also includes support for a wide range of character properties, such as directionality, case, and script.

Unicode is widely used on the web and in other digital systems, and is an important tool for enabling the exchange and processing of text in a globalized world.


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